COVID-19 Waste Management

The world has changed in a way we could never have imagined and the global pandemic we are experiencing has changed the face of how we live and work.  One of the sectors that has been hit hard is the care home sector.  We have many care home clients who we are servicing with collections of clinical waste and delivery of supplies.  Our experienced service operatives have been carrying out front line services by ensuring all COVID-19 waste is collected and disposed of from our care homes.  They have been outstanding following all the correct procedures ensuring they are keeping themselves safe as well as our clients.

COVID-19 has resulted in the government having to give guidance on how the waste is handled and disposed of.  The guideline states that any waste generated from a possible or a confirmed case of coronavirus must be disposed of as Category B waste. This identified as orange infectious waste and is suitable for disposal by alternative treatment.  Waste that is infected which includes gloves, aprons/overalls, face masks, paper towels, swabs, should be disposed of into an orange clinical waste bag. We have been busy ensuring our care homes have the correct measures in place to handle this waste. We have unfortunately seen these collections on the increase. If there was ever a time as a Waste Company we would want to see a decrease in waste it would be now, as this would mean cases are slowing down and we are coming out of the peak.

If you require any advice on clinical waste please contact our dedicated team who are on hand to answer any questions. If you are returning to work we have a “Return to Work Package” to assist you with protection and controlling the spread of coronavirus.

Medicare would like to thank all our frontline workers for the sterling brave job they are doing.

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